Collective Worships and Assemblies
At St. Peter’s the intent of the daily act of Collective Worship is viewed as an integral and important part of school life. Through this and in the general ethos of the school we seek to promote our mission statement and motto ‘Let your light shine’. It is a time where we come together to share our love of God based on promoting the Catholic Christian values which permeate the ethos of the school. We aim to provide opportunities for all members of the school community to stop activity to:
- pause and to reflect on important issues,
- foster a sense of awe and wonder at the beauty, mystery and power of the natural world,
- build up the sense of group identity, fostering concern for the needs of each other,
- give pupils the experience of being still or silent,
- provide an opportunity for celebrating times of success or joy,
- provide an opportunity for meeting at times of sadness or sorrow,
- provide an opportunity for highlighting and reflecting upon core school values – such as striving to be honest and truthful, trying hard in all things, respecting oneself as well as other people, striving to be fair and just;
- offer the opportunity to mark significant points in the year, such as festivals and school events.
As such, the contributions of staff, pupils, church clergy and other visitors are highly valued in our school.
Chaplaincy Team Led Collective Worships
Class Collective Worships
Catholic Social Teaching Principles
Mrs Lea discussed ‘Catholic Social Teaching’ with the school during the whole school assembly. The children are aware that we follow Catholic Social Teaching principles because it reflects how Jesus wants us to be - good people!

Christmas Assembly 2024
FS Song
Year 1 Dance
Year 2 Dance
Year 3 Dance
Year 4 Dance
Year 5 Song
Year 6 Dance
Reconciliation Mass
A lovely Reconciliation Service this morning with Father Mark and Deacon Jim. We had time to reflect whilst burning our sins and asking for forgiveness during Advent. Year 2 and Year 6 led us in prayer and we ended with ‘My Lighthouse’.
Year of Hope - Holy Doors
Year 2 Prophecy and Promise Assembly
Year 2 led the class assembly today. It was all about ‘Prophecy and Promise’ and their learning in R.E. this term. During the assembly, we also lit the first and second candles on our Advent wreath to symbolise hope and peace.
Cafod Advent Assembly
We enjoyed Cafod's Advent Assembly
Cafod World Gift Assembly
Sing and Praise with Parents
Year 1 World Children's Day Assembly
Year 1’s class assembly was based on World Children’s Day. They shared the importance of promoting international togetherness.
Year 3 Stay and Pray
Year 3 shared their Collective Worship, based on this weeks Gospel Value ‘Honesty’, with their families. They shared the story of Adam and Eve eating the fruit and that we should always tell the truth and be honest, as it shows we can be relied on.
Remembrance Day
We were very lucky to have Mrs Duke play ‘The Last Post’ during Mrs Lea’s whole school collective worship today. The children all observed one minute silence as we honoured those who had fallen.
St. Peter's turning 60 Years
St. Peter’s celebrated the school being on its current site for 60 years. We held an assembly where we heard from past pupils, looked at old photos, learnt about popular 60s trends and celebrated with a birthday cake! During our celebration of St. Peter’s school being on its current site for 60 years, Father blessed our new Martinscroft Suite, which was officially opened by two past pupils from the 60s.
Prayer Box
Mrs Lea introduced the prayer box in assembly today. This prayer box will be placed inside our prayer garden and the children can use the items to reflect and hold their own Collective Worship.
FS Stay and Pray
Foundation Stage shared a beautiful Collective Worship with their parents.. It was a lovely experience which related to the week’s Gospel about God’s Greatest Commandment - Love.
Liturgical Year Assembly 2024
Year 5 presented their class assembly all about the Liturgical Year, speaking about what the liturgical colours represent and celebrations that are held at different parts of the Liturgical Year.
Harvest Assembly 2024
St. Peter's held their annual Harvest Assembly, thinking about how our Catholic Social Teaching Principles link to this time of year. The children out did themselves with their donations of food and toiletries in aid of St. Joseph's
Year 4 Creation and Covenant Assembly
In assembly, Year 4 shared their learning in RE. They talked about creation the covenant between Abram and God.
Mass at St. Peter's
All children, right through from Foundation Stage to Year 6, have attended Mass at St. Peter's Church during the Autumn Term, led by Father Mark.
Mrs Lea's Stay and Pray Collective worship
Sing and Praise
Year 2 Stay and Pray Collective Worship
In our Collective Worship, Year 2 listened to Genesis 2:15. They thought about the special job that Adam had when taking care of the beautiful garden and how they can be guardians of God’s creation today. They ended with our Stewardship of Creation prayer
Prayer Bag Assembly
In our assembly today, Mrs Lea asked some of our Year 6 children to talk about our class Prayer Bags which will be coming home to a different child each week. The children can’t wait to celebrate Collective Worship with their families at home.
Cafod Season of Change Assembly
This morning, Mrs Lea shared the National Assembly on ‘CAFOD Season of Creation’ and it was about the relationship with God and our global neighbours. For Fairtrade Fortnight, staff have donated products for a raffle and the proceeds are to buy CAFOD world gifts.
Catholic Social Teaching Assembly
In our first whole school assembly of the year, we discussed the principles of Catholic Social Teaching and how we can care for our world and neighbours.
Wisdom Collective Worship
Foundation Stage Collective Worship
Mrs Lea was invited to Foundation Stages Collective Worship. It was a lovely opportunity to spend reflective time with our youngest children. Their responses were beautiful.
Year 3 Pentecost Assembly
Year 3s assembly was about Pentecost, when Jesus' friends were filled with the Holy Spirit, and what this experience felt like for them. They shared scripture, dancing and prayers, as well as what the fruits of the Holy Spirit are, and how they help us.
We Are the world assembly
Mrs Lea’s assembly was about ‘We are the World’, and spoke about how we are stewards of God’s world and we need to take care of it, but that at times, we don’t. We can do this by rethinking which items we use and changing the materials we make products out of.