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Catholic Social Teaching

Catholic Social Teaching is based on the belief that God has a plan for creation, a plan to build his kingdom of peace, love and justice. It holds that God has a special plan for every single one of us, whoever we are. Our part in this plan isn’t just limited to things ‘spiritual’ or times when we do “religious things”. It involves every aspect of our lives, from the things we pray about, to how we live as a responsible global citizen. Our part in this story is a kind-of vocation for the common good, a call to treat everyone as our brothers and sisters.

Modern Catholic Social Teaching is said to have originated in 1891 with the encyclical letter, Rerum Novarum. Since then, a wealth of teaching continues to give new life to the Scriptures and shape the Church’s response to our modern world. Pope Francis’ continues to add to Catholic Social Teaching with his own encyclicals including Laudato Si’ (2015) and Fratelli Tutti (2020).

Here at St. Peter’s, we have nine principles of social teaching that we are share with our children through all that we do, through the curriculum, special events, assemblies and through our ordinary actions in school. 

Please click on the image below to watch a short video about Catholic Social Teaching. Catholic Social Teaching tells us how our Catholic faith guides our actions. It comes from scripture, letters written by popes and holy people, and the examples set by Christians throughout history.


Catholic Social Teaching Prayer Book

Please use the prayers from our CST Prayer Book to support you, both with your family and yourself.

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