Mrs Rutty

Hi, I’m Mrs Rutty and I am very excited to be joining Year 5 alongisde Miss Nicholson and Mrs Hampson! I enjoy teaching all subjects but my absolute favourite is Science, especially lessons that involve scientific enquiry.
When I'm not in school, I love to spend time with my family, including my little girl Faith, who has just turned one. I also love to walk Max, my cheeky little Jack Russell and go running.
Miss Nicholson

Hello, I am Miss Nicholson and I am the new Year 5 teacher with Mrs Rutty. I love teaching all subjects but I am excited to go back in time and learn about History.
When I’m not at school, I enjoy spending time with my two year old son, William. We like to go to park together with our dog Holly. We also like to get messy painting (William, not Holly!).
Mrs Hampson

Hi, I'm Mrs Hampson and I love being a part of the St. Peter's team. I have a son who is currently at the school and a daughter who previously attended and is now at Cardinal Newman. I am really lucky because I work in the classroom as a Teaching Assistant and then as a Midday Assistant at lunchtime, so I get to work with every class in the school. I am also treasurer of the PPTA because my favourite subject is Maths. In my spare time I am working my way through "The Wainwrights" in the Lake District and I am also trying to teach myself how to cartwheel but it is not going very well, so if you think you can help me, please come and find me at lunchtime!

Overview of Year 5
In Year 5 we build on our learning from Year 4 and also develop our skills ready for the challenge of Year 6. We build our self confidence, resilience and independence which helps us reflect on our learning and how we can improve. Year 5 take part in weekly Gospel lessons, which usually culminates in an end of year show. Year 5 are also lucky enough to take part in team-building sessions with Active Hope in the Spring Term. Active Hope is a Christian charity based in Warrington, who are committed to providing quality outdoor and adventurous activities from well qualified and enthusiastic instructors to children and young people from across the area.
In Year 5, children are expected to;
- Be responsible for their own belongings such as coats, bags, water bottles, etc
- Return to class quickly after playtimes and lunchtimes, including changing their trainers
- Be more independent in solving friendship issues
- Be able to tie their own tie and shoelaces
- Make sure homework is completed on time and to a good standard
- Complete 3 Read Theory comprehensions
- Learn weekly spellings
- Know the times tables, including the division facts
All About Year 5
Photos of Classroom
Year 5 Class Information
Reading Records need to be brought into school on a daily basis. Children should be reading at home every night for at least 15 minutes, with this being recorded in their Record at least three times per week by an adult. A member of staff will check Year 5's Reading Records weekly to make sure this is being met.
Water bottles need to be in school every day and it is the child's responsibility to remember to bring it into class. They must take their water bottles home every day to be cleaned.
PE Information
P.E. takes place on a Monday and a Tuesday. Children are asked to come into school wearing their P.E. kits on these days.
P.E. kits consist of a black T-shirt with logo, maroon shorts, black St. Peter’s hoodie or school jumper, extra socks. On cold days, children may wear black tracksuit bottoms/leggings.
In Year 5, we begin to focus on the structure of our writing and ensure that we are writing for a purpose or specific audience. We should think carefully about the way we begin sentences, our sentence structure and using the correct punctuation. We follow the Pathways to Write scheme, with our writing being based around a specific book each half term. Our writing will begin to contain more gramatical features which will also be taught in grammar lessons.
Year 5 take part in four whole class reading sessions per week and also have a read theory session in school. We ask that children read to an adult at least three times per week, with a comment recorded in their Reading Records, with a focus on fluency and comprehension skills.
Your child will have 2 reading books:
- Reading Skills Book - This book will contain language at your child’s level, it may be challenging, but not impossible for them to read or decode. This book will expose children to a wider range of vocabulary, spelling patterns, text structure and literary devices.
- Reading for Pleasure Book - This book can be chosen by your child from home or school. The aim of this book is to promote a love of reading.
For further information on how to help your child develop their reading, please see our Reading page under Curriculum, or Top Tips for the Reading Helper in your child's Reading Record. Independently, children are expected to complete a Reading Plus comprehension five times per week, along with two vocabulary activities.
Recommended Reading Books for Year 5:
Please click on the image below to see a list of 50 books recommended for Year 5. There is also a PDF of recommended books across different age ranges.

A.R.E. Documents
In Year 5, we continue to use mathematical concrete apparatus, pictorial representations and abstract methods and recordings to further develop our understanding and to support our learning. We are continually practising recall of mathematical facts which enables us to solve problems quicker and more effectively. Some of the concepts we will explore in Maths include; multiplying and dividing 4-digit numbers by a 1-digit number, understanding prime numbers and prime factors, recognising square numbers and understanding the relationship between fractions, decimals and percentages.
A.R.E. Documents
Homework will be given out on a Thursday and will be expected back in school the following Monday. For our homework, we use the Maths and SPaG CGP books, and the assigned work will be based on that weeks learning. The children will either have a maths activity or an English activity to complete. The children will also be expected to complete three Read Theory comprehensions per week, with the week starting on a Monday. Spelllings are given out on a Monday to be tested on the following Monday.
Long Term Plan
For further information and details regarding our curriculum, please look under the Curriculum tab and select the subject you wish to view.