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Mission Day

We celebrated Ss. Peter and Paul Day on June 27th by holding a Mission Day. The children took part in lots of activities based around this, as well as reviewing our Mission Statement. We began our day with a Mass celebrating St. Peter.

All of the children took part in a Walk of Prayer, completing various activities. Mr Tinsley led a station based on 'Pilgrims of Hope', and the song My Lighthouse, where the children wrote on a wave how they could help others and give them hope.

Mrs Norris led an activity based on our Mission Statement and the tagline 'Let Your Light Shine'. Children discussed the meaning of our Mission Statement and decorated a candle showing the Gospel Values.

Mrs Lawton led an activity based on how lucky we are to live in our wonderful world, but that we also must look after it. The children wrote down the sounds and thoughts that they could hear and feel whilst sitting under the tree.

Miss Fallon led an activity based around the importance of water. We discussed what we use water for, and the importance of water in certain Sacraments. The children then acted out a Baptism and made the sign of the cross using the water.

Mrs Wharton's activity was based on the Good Samaritan. The children listened to and then discussed, the story. They then looked at pictures and spoke about what Jesus would want them to do as a samaritan in each such suggestion.

Mrs Davies' activity was based around Laudato Si and the different problems our world is facing. On hand templates, the children wrote ways they could help to make our world better.

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