English and the teaching of English is the foundation of our curriculum. Our intent is to ensure every single child becomes primary literate, that they know more and remember more in order to progress in the areas of reading, writing, speaking and listening.
Spelling at St. Peter’s Catholic Primary School is not just through daily discrete lessons, but is embedded within all our lessons and we strive for a high level of English and writing for all across the curriculum to help our children become confident spellers.
We follow the Government accredited scheme Little Wandle. Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised is a complete systematic synthetic phonics programme (SSP) developed for schools by schools. This programme meets all the expectations of the National Curriculum.
We aslo use The Pathways to Spell programme which is designed for whole class teaching of the Primary National Curriculum objectives for spelling from Year 2 to Year 6. It is a comprehensive and progressive programme with a clear, research-based teaching sequence. Each week combines consolidation of previously taught spelling patterns and rules in conjunction with new teaching with opportunities to reflect on learning. This will support pupils in development of key metacognitive strategies and the skills to spell confidently and accurately.

Phonics and Spelling in Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1
At St. Peter's we follow the Little Wandle phonics scheme. Please see the separate phonics page for more indepth detail.
Spelling in Key Stage 2
At St. Peter's to teach spellings we follow the Pathways to Spell scheme.
Below are the overview, progression documents and statutory words that the children are expected to know by the end of each year. Please take some time to review these.