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Eco Council

In 2023, rather than pick two children out of each class to be on our Eco-Council we created an after school club where any child from Year 2 to Year 6 could volunteer to stay after school one night a week and help look after our world. They are called the St Peter's Planet Protectors. 

eco code

Planet Protectors - Spring 2025

The Planet Protectors have been busy picking up litter and tidying up the school grounds. They have put up new posters to encourage us to look after our world and put out bird feeders. 

Catholic Social Teaching: Stewardship of Creation - Looking after God's gifts, Solidarity - Showing we care. 

Planting and growing grassheads June 2024


Planting May 2024

The Planet Protectors prepared the flower beds and planters and then planted more plants and watered them. 

Litter Picking and Spotting Wild flowers May 2024

The Planet Protectors picked up the litter from around the school and while they were in the school grounds they found some wild flowers growing. These included:Red Campion, Forget Me Nots, Ribwort Plantain, Germander Speedwell, Creeping Buttercup, Welsh Poppies, Herb Robert, Spanish Bluebells and Grape Hyacinth. 

Cleaning up the outdoor areas

Putting up posters around school to encourage everyone to help save our planet

How Big Is Your Carbon Footprint?

The Eco Council have been completing a quiz to see how big their carbon (eco) footprint is - this the impact they have on the planet. You could take the quiz too and see if you are an eco-star or whether you could do more to look after the world we live in. 

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