St. Peter’s aims to ensure that all children:
● Become fluent in the fundamentals of Mathematics
● Are able to reason mathematically
● Can solve problems by applying their Mathematics knowledge
The intent of our Mathematics curriculum at St Peter’s is to deliver a curriculum that is accessible to all children and will maximise the development of every child’s ability and academic achievement. We use a Mastery approach to Maths. We want children to know more and remember more about Maths through building on knowledge in small steps. We aim to provide a balanced Maths curriculum that enables children to develop declarative knowledge (facts, ‘I know that…’), procedural knowledge (methods, ‘I know how to…’) and conditional knowledge (strategies, ‘I know when…’.)
We adapt our teaching to ensure that children have the ability to make rich connections across mathematical ideas to develop fluency, mathematical reasoning and competence in solving increasingly sophisticated problems. We intend for our pupils to be able to apply their mathematical knowledge when making links to science and other curriculum subjects. Through developing pupil experience, we want children to know that Maths is essential to everyday life, critical to science, technology and engineering, and necessary for financial literacy and most forms of employment. We want our curriculum to provide our children with the necessary knowledge and skills to equip them for life.
Our Approach
We take a Mastery approach to Maths at St. Peter’s. We follow the White Rose Scheme of learning in all year groups. The scheme is directly linked to the National Curriculum. Learning is broken down into small steps to enable all children to master the curriculum. We help children to make links with prior learning so that they can make connections and remember more in Maths.
Children have Maths lessons daily following small steps from the White Rose Scheme. From Year 1 – 6 children also have a Maths Skills sessions to help children embed key number facts and practise procedures. These sessions help to develop children’s fluency.

Working Walls
Mathematics at Foundation Stage
In Foundation Stage, children develop a strong grounding in number and shape in order to develop the necessary building blocks to excell in Maths. Knowledge learnt in Foundation Stage will be built upon in Key Stage 1 and 2. Development Matters outlines what children should achieve by the end of Foundation Stage. The White Rose Maths Scheme is followed to help children achieve these Early Learning Goals. Click below to see extracts from the Development Matters Document outlining what children will be learning in Foundation Stage.
Mathematics Yearly Overviews and Progression Document
At St. Peter's we follow the White Rose scheme and their small steps, alongside other resources to support the teaching of each Maths topic. Please see the documents below to see what is taught in each year group across an academic year. The overview provides suggested timings for each unit. These timings may be adapted by teachers to suit the needs and pace of learning for each indvidual class.
Mathematics Policy
Calculations Policy
Reading in Maths
Click on the link below to find some great books linked Maths.