R.E. Curriculum Photos
A huge thank you to our Year 2 children who have completed a ‘Reverse Advent Calendar’ as part of their learning in R.E. We are overwhelmed by all of their donations! These have now been dropped off at St. Joseph's Family Centre and will help those in need.

Year 1 have been creating Angel decorations and role plays to show that the Angels brought the message of Jesus' birth to the shepherds. Next week they will take these decorations home to share their learning with their families.
Year 4 children designed their own ornament for our Jesse tree. The children could talk about what is represented by the picture on the ornament and the scripture linked to it.
During their R.E. lesson, Year 3 created their own artwork using pastels to depict the message of the angels.
In R.E. Year 3 have been exploring ways that Christians prepare for the coming of Christ during Advent. They made their own Advent prayers inspired by the Cafod Advent calendar and hung them up to read each day.
In Year 4, we have been learning about the genealogy of Jesus Christ and the Jesse tree. The children chose ornaments to colour in and used the bible to look up the scripture linked to their ornament.
Year 3 have been exploring the importance of Mary and Joseph trusting in God after the messages of the angels. Some children had the chance to hot seat and ask questions to others in role as Mary and Joseph.
Year 5 created their own expressive art after learning about the O Antiphons and how these short repeated verses use Biblical references to Jesus Christ, the coming Messiah.
Foundation Stage have passed around a candle and talked about their hopes for this Advent. They hope for friendship, love and being happy.
In their R.E. lessons, Foundation Stage have been listening to Scripture and have learned that when Mary and Joseph travelled to Bethlehem, all of the inns were full. The children used the construction to build somewhere warm and safe for them to stay.
Year 2 enjoyed learning about the Mexican religious festival ‘Las Posadas’ where Mary and Joseph’s journey to Bethlehem is remembered. We made our own ‘papel picado’ decorations to celebrate.
In R.E, Year 3 have been listening to Advent hymns and highlighting and discussing the lyrics that relate to or reference the messages of the Angels to Mary and Joseph.
Year 3 revisited the annunciation of Jesus and the words of prophet Isaiah. We looked at different artwork to display this, then created a spoken freeze frame to show the artwork and recited words from the scripture.
Year 1 have been retelling the story of The Birth of Jesus using finger painting and Nativity figurines.
In Foundation Stage the children enjoyed using the costumes to help them to retell the story of Jesus’ birth. They also heard how the shepherds and sheep came to visit Jesus. As Jesus is known as the Good Shepherd, the children are also being good shepherds by taking care of their sheep in our provision.
In our R.E. lesson, Year 2 have been researching the meaning of their own names and making links to the prophet, John the Baptist.
Year 4 have been researching the feast of Christ the King. They used their research to make a poster to educate people.
In R.E., Year 5 have been using role play to explain what the joyful mysteries of the Rosary remember.
Year 1 have been learning and exploring the words of The Hail Mary prayer. We used modelling materials to make representations of what each part of the prayer means to us.

In their R.E. lessons, Year 3 have been looking at the different stages of Mass. We looked at sending forth and dismissal, linking this to our Go Forth aspect in our Collective Worships. We then created our own Go Forth cards to use.

Year 2 used Jen Norton’s artwork as inspiration for creating their own representation of Mary, using chosen words from Mary’s Song of Praise.
Year 2 have been learning about Mary’s Song of Praise (Luke 1:39-53) in their R.E. lesson. They listened to the words in the Magnificat Song whilst writing their own Song of Praise to God.
Foundation Stage have been using their role play area to retell the story of Mary and Joseph’s journey to Bethlehem in their Continuous Provision and have enjoyed retelling the story of the journey to Bethlehem that was taken by Mary and Joseph using the figures in their Golden Box. They loved talking about who they all are!
Year 1 have been retelling the story of The Annunciation in R.E. this week, recognising the words of the Angels within The Hail Mary.
In R.E. Year 5 have been using role play to develop their understanding of scripture passages that speak of David’s life.
Through their own representations, Year 2 enjoyed showing that Jesus is the light in the darkness in their first R.E. lesson of the new Branch, ‘Prophecy and Promise’.
Year 6 created music and prayer like the protagonist and prophetess Miriam in the Old Testament - praising God for freedom and salvation. They used tambourines and our own lyrics!
Foundation Stagelearnt about the Hindu festival of Diwali. They created their own Diwali decorations and Rangoli patterns in their Continuous Provision.
The children in Foundation Stage listened to the story of The Annunciation from St Luke. They used small world figures and even created their own craft figures of Mary and Gabriel to help them to retell the story.