First Aiders at St. Peter's
Illness Advice and Guidance
Illness | Recommendation |
Chicken Pox |
Stay away from school until blisters have all crusted over or skin has healed, usually 5-7 days (Please inform school immediately) |
Conjunctivitus | Can come into school once treatment has started |
Diarrhoea/ Vomiting | Stay away from school 48 hours from last episode |
Head Lice | Can come into school once treated |
Impetigo | Stay away from school until the sores have crusted over and healed or 48 hours after commencing antibiotic treatment |
Measles/ German Measles |
Stay away from school for 4 days after rash appears (Please inform school immediately) |
Mumps | Stay away from school for 5 days after swelling appears |
Slapped Cheek |
No need to stay away from school (Please inform school immediately) |
Threadworms |
Can come into school once treated (Please inform school immediately) |
Whooping Cough | Stay away from school for 5 days from starting treatment or 21 days from onset if no antibiotic treatment |
Medicines in School

In the interest of your child’s safety please note that school can only administer medicines that have been prescribed by the family GP or Doctor. All medicines should be clearly labelled indicating contents, dosage and child’s full name.
Please note that school will only administer medicine where more than 3 doses are required each day.
Unless Calpol (and spoon) are provided by the child's parents, we regret that school will be unable to administer this to children.
Medicine will only be administered after a school request form (see below) has been completed. Forms are also available at the School Office.
Medical & First Aid Policies
For your information, please find below our school's Medical Policy and First Aid Policies.
These policies are followed in the event of illness or medical needs within school time.
If there are any situations which may occur during the day to day running of the school. We reserve the right to adapt our medical procedures in accordance to guidelines provided to us by the Government or Local Authority. This includes during outbreaks of sickness etc. We will also make regular alterations when given advice changes and procedures during the current pandemic. Please check the website for updates, where necessary.
We believe that it is important to encourage and help children with asthma to participate fully in all aspects of school life. Asthma is an important condition that affects many children. It is our policy in school to ensure that children have ready access to inhalers at all times. Therefore we ask that you ensure that your child has an 'ín date' inhaler in school at all times. This needs to be passed to the class teacher who will keep it with their medical supplies, we ask that you also advise the school office so that the details of your child's inhaler can be put onto the Asthma Register. Please also help us by ensuring you complete an Asthma Card (below) and return to the school office. All inhalers need to be in the original box.
If for any reason your child does not have their inhaler in school and there is an emergency where they need asthma medication. We do have a school Salbutamol Inhaler - but this is intended for use as an EMERGENCY ONLY. As a precaution we ask that you complete the form below and return to the school office giving permission for a member of staff to administer Salbutamol to your child, should the need arise.

Children With Ongoing Medical and Health Needs
If your child has a health issue which is ongoing and school need to be aware of their needs, we ask in the first instance, that you advise their class teacher.
However it is important that all staff are aware of children's needs within school and therefore it is necessary for parents to complete a 'Healthcare Plan' for their child. This can be found below. Once completed please hand to the school office.