The intention of Physical Education at St. Peter’s is to deliver a high quality progressive curriculum which creates a fully inclusive learning environment where every child can succeed, feel valued, learn and make progress. We want our children to be healthy in body and in mind so that they develop a positive relationship with physical activity for life. We want our children to be strong, fit and active.We want pupil experience to be positive so that they wish to participate in physical activity and enjoy all it has to offer. To learn through sport showing sporting behaviour and never giving up. We want our children to be healthy; to have a healthy image of themselves as individuals, and to recognise that we are all unique. For our children to grow up to be happy, resilient, responsible, confident and independent. In EYFS our children develop their fine and gross fundamental motor skills in order to participate in a non-sport specific team and individual games. At KS1 we aim to provide children with the foundations to become adept at a wide range of sporting activities through a fundamental skill based approach to PE. This fundamental skills approach continues in KS2 along with greater opportunities to apply these skills within a more specific approach allowing the children to access more competitive team /individual sport and leadership possibilities such as: gymnastics, badminton, hockey and netball.
We have very strong links with many clubs in our local community including Warrington Wolves, Warrington Athletics and Warrington Town Netball Club. These links enable our children to take their fundamental PE skills, declarative and procedural knowledge and love of sport further with specialist coaches and like- minded children across the town and county.
An important part of PE delivery at St. Peter’s is teaching all pupils the importance of looking after their own body and well-being, and the benefits exercise and a balanced diet has on this.

Physical Education Overview
Physical Education Policy
Our Physical Education Documents
The documents that we have available are:
- Curriculum Content
- This document shows the sequence of learning throughout each Physical Education unit of work. - Knowledge Organisers
- This document is for our children, it contains prior knowledge from previous learning, key vocabulary for each Physical Education topic as well as the key knowledge that will be taught throughout the unit of work. - Progression of Knowledge and Skills
- This document shows how learning progresses in Physical Education from Foundation Stage right through to YEar 6. - Knowledge Keys
- This document is used half way through each Physical Education unit and is there to help the children know more and remember more. - End of Unit Assessments
- This document is used with the children at the end of each unit of work and is there to help the children know more and remember more as well as forming part of our teacher assessment.
Physical Education Book Links