The intention of English at St. Peter’s is to deliver a high quality, language heavy, creative and progressive curriculum which creates a fully inclusive learning environment where every child can succeed, feel valued, learn and make progress. Our intent is to ensure every child becomes primary literate, that they know more and remember more, and will progress and develop a love of reading, writing, speaking and listening. Valuable skills needed for life.
English at St Peter’s Catholic Primary School is not only daily discrete lessons, but is embedded within all our lessons and we strive for a high level of English for all. Through using high-quality texts, immersing children in vocabulary rich learning environments and ensuring high expectations; children will learn the necessary substantive and disciplinary knowledge to ensure the progression of skills are met.
We aim for our pupils to acquire the knowledge and skills to develop a wide vocabulary, a solid understanding of grammar and punctuation, and be able to spell new words by effectively applying the spelling patterns and rules they have learnt throughout their time, beginning with phonics, in EYFS. From Foundation Stage, children are immersed in rich language, are taught how to write and understand the importance of presentation. We want all our children to write clearly, accurately and coherently, adapting their language and style in and for a range of contexts, purposes and audiences.

Pathways to Write
At St. Peter's we follow the writing scheme 'Pathways to Write' from EYFS all the way to Year 6.
Pathways is designed to equip pupils with key skills to move them through the writing process towards their final outcome. It is built around units of work that follow a mastery approach to the teaching of writing.
To support this approach, clear detailed lesson plans and resources are linked to a high-quality text. Pathways to Write ensures engaging and purposeful English lessons. The units can be used thematically to encourage a whole school approach to writing with the opportunity for topics to link across all year groups.
Each unit covers a range of areas in the national curriculum linked to the year groups knowledge and skills, which include:
- Mastery of vocabulary, grammar and punctuation skills
- Writing a range of genres across a year
- Vocabulary development
- Using a wider range of reading comprehension strategies as a whole class
- Spoken language activities including drama and presentations
- Opportunities for practising previously taught genres
- An extended, independent piece of writing