St. Peter's Chaplaincy Team

Year 6 children have the opportunity to serve our school as part of the Chaplaincy Team. Anyone can apply and members will be given a special Chaplaincy badge.
The Chaplaincy Team play a vital role in the spiritual life of the school and are supported by the Headteacher, R.E. Lead and Year 6 staff.
The roles of the Chaplaincy Team include the following;
- To help the school to be a community of faith.
- To encourage the pupils to live their faith in daily living.
- To develop good relationshops within and beyond the school community.
- To support Liturgy, prayer and the spiritual life of the school.
- To involve pupils in fundraising charities.
- To continue to develop strong links with the Parish and Community.
- To support the school in its Mission Statement.
The following will help us to be a successful and effective Chaplaincy Team;
- Listen to each other's ideas.
- Communicate with all team members, school and Parish.
- Encourage everyone when making decisions.
- Lead by example, love everyone, care for everyone, especially people you don't get on with.
Our Chaplaincy Team have discussed a number of things they would like to do over the next school year. These include;
- Help to prepare whole school Collective Worship and Sing and Praise
- Check there are resources available in the prayer box in the Prayer Garden
- Make sure each class is their Prayer Bags weekly and remind children to upload any photos to Seesaw
- Deliver Collective Worship to other classes
- Prepare for school masses
- Tell each class what the weekly Gospel Value is
- Choose a prayer each week for Sing and Praise
- Meet every week
Pilgrims of Hope
Our Chaplaincy Team helped to launch Pilgrims of Hope by displaying our banner on the school fence. They also took the items collected for our Bag of Hope to 'Room at the Inn', as well as collecting items from other schools, helping to show the Catholic Social Teaching Principles, Subsidarity and Solidarity. We also received a lovely thank you from Mrs James, the Chaplain from Cardinal Newman, for our help in collecting donations for the homeless in Warrington.
Collective Worship
Our Year 6 Chaplaincy Team regularly share Collective Worships with the classes throughout the school term.