St. Peter's Chaplaincy Team
Year 6 children have the opportunity to serve our school as part of the Chaplaincy Team. Anyone can apply and members will be given a special Chaplaincy badge.
The Chaplaincy Team play a vital role in the spiritual life of the school and are supported by the Headteacher, R.E. Lead and Year 6 staff.
The roles of the Chaplaincy Team include the following;
- To help the school to be a community of faith.
- To encourage the pupils to live their faith in daily living.
- To develop good relationshops within and beyond the school community.
- To support Liturgy, prayer and the spiritual life of the school.
- To involve pupils in fundraising charities.
- To continue to develop strong links with the Parish and Community.
- To support the school in its Mission Statement.
The following will help us to be a successful and effective Chaplaincy Team;
- Listen to each other's ideas.
- Communicate with all team members, school and Parish.
- Encourage everyone when making decisions.
- Lead by example, love everyone, care for everyone, especially people you don't get on with.
Our Chaplaincy Team have had their first meeting and have discussed a number of things they would like to do over the next school year. These include;
- Help to prepare whole school Collective Worship and Sing and Praise
- Check there are resources available in the prayer box in the Prayer Garden
- Make sure each class is their Prayer Bags weekly and remind children to upload any photos to Seesaw
- Deliver Collective Worship to other classes
- Prepare for school masses
- Tell each class what the weekly Gospel Value is
- Choose a prayer each week for Sing and Praise
- Meet every week
Collective Worship
Our Year 6 Chaplaincy Team came and shared a beautiful Collective Worship with Foundation Stage.