St. Peter’s School Council 2024-2025

Summer 2024
After being suggested by the School Council, all the children in the school were rewarded with bouncy castles and an ice-cream after achieving 450 team points during the year. What will the School Council choose as their reward next year?

Spring 2024
During the spring term, some ideas that the School Council have suggested in previous meetings have been actioned.
- Children asked if there could be an inter-school basketball tournament as we take part in football, athletics, cricket and netball but a lot of children like playing basketball. In February, a group of Year 6 children took part in a tournament run by Cardinal Newman Catholic High School and really enjoyed it.
- Before Christmas, children asked if there could be a chess afterschool club so we started one this term.
- Some of the children did not like the handwriting pens that the school are using. They said that the pens were often blunt and difficult to write with. From now on, children in Key Stage 2 will be offered a choice a three different handwriting pens.

Autumn 2023
During the autumn term, the children requested a puppet theatre on the KS2 playground for those children who didn't want to take part in sporting activities. They have been very creative when using it. The School Council also asked if there could be a reward for earning team points.
After several discussions between the School Council and Mrs Lea, a new reward system has been created. Each half term, the children in each team are given the chance to either choose to spend the reward points they have earned so far or to save up more points for a bigger reward. This is done democratically, with every child given a chance to vote. The School Council were given the opportunity to help decide what the rewards should be.
Summer 2023
During the summer term the gymnastic bars and taller monkey bars that the School Council requested arrived. The children love them! The School Council also asked for a clock outside so they could check what time it is during playtimes and lunchtimes and develop their independence.
Spring 2023
The children on the School Council organised a cake sale in school and raised £135 towards a bench in memory of Fr Gildea.

Autumn 2022
The School Council have held several drop in sessions on both Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 playgrounds to find out what the children of St Peter's felt would improve our school and then reported their findings at School Council Meetings. Things the School Council have requested that have been actioned are:
- green recycling bins on both playgrounds
- a wider range of period products in the Key Stage 2 toilets
- a better trolley for playground equipment in Key Stage 2 and some more balls and skipping ropes
- a school pet - this was not possible but Mrs Lea brought her dog to school during National Story Telling Week

The School Council went out at playtime and made a list of all the things they saw as possible hazards and what could be done to reduce them. These were then used to make risk assessments.

The School Council have been busy collecting the views of all the children in the school to discuss at the next meeting. They have also sent an email asking the parents for their help completing the Ofsted Parents View Questionnaire.

Summer Term 2022
We have continued to work on our Chill Out Zone. The board has been painted with blackboard paint and we have a trolley we can wheel out each day with chalks, colouring books and pens. The bug hotel has also been placed in the Chill Out Zone.
Spring Term 2022
During the spring term, the School Council have made more suggestions for how we can continue to improve our school. These include:
- a chill out zone on the field with colouring/puzzle books, plants and cushions
- Fun Friday lunchtimes with music
- wormery or bug hotel
- mirror for the Year 3/4 boys toilets
Autumn 2021
During the autumn term, the School Council have had the opportunity to put forward their ideas for how to improve our school. The ideas that have been actioned or are in the process of being actioned are:
- more skipping ropes for KS2
- varied brain breaks in the afternoon for Y2
- football pitches to be moved further away from the climbing frames so stray balls are less likely to hit children playing
- some older children in Y5 have formed a Stay Safe Team for younger children to talk to when they have a concern but don't want to talk to a grown up.