St. Peter's Rainbow Flag Award
Below is a copy of St. Peter's the PowerPoint that we used at a parent information evening when we were working towards our Rainbow Flag Award.. It includes information on how we teach and promote inclusion and equality.
St. Peter's has also invested in a number of books for each year group which broach the subject of LGBT+ in an age appropriate way, as well as other issues that children may struggle with in todays modern society.
"Helen Lea, Head Teacher at St Peter's Primary, Woolston, very much stood out to me as I delivered a day of LGBT+ inclusion training to a room of primary school professionals. This was a person that was passionate about the well being of all of the children in her care, and recognising that positive representation of LGBT+ people in children's lives was largely missing is classrooms. St Peter's were offered the chance, with our support, to go for a full Rainbow Flag Award - an LGBT+ inclusion quality assurance framework - and did so with the energy and commitment that I as expecting! Helen never questioned for one minute, that LGBT+ inclusion was incompatible with the Catholic Church ethos. On the contrary, Helen used the core values of faith - kindness, acceptance and inclusion - to have absolute conviction that LGBT+ people, as part of our world, also needed to be a positive part of our education."
Rachel Williams, The Proud Trust
“Our deputy headteacher found the presentation by St. Peter’s at the ALSPIT conference in September to be inspirational and motivating. So much so that we as a school are now looking at how we promote and celebrate diversity and equality through our school curriculum this academic year in conjunction with The Proud Trust. We have found the support, advice and encouragement from Helen and her team invaluable as we begin this process with a positive and enlightened frame of mind.”
Mr Steven Hatton, Headteacher, St. Stephen's Catholic Primary, Warrington
"St Peter’s school community have helped us, as a school, to reflect on how we view and celebrate difference and diversity within Sacred Heart. Their inclusive approach is thoughtful and thought-provoking and their passion, clarity and knowledge is evident in their everyday practice. Valuable support has been provided to other schools, including my own, and we have benefitted from presentations and individual discussions which address an array of subjects affecting the LGBT community. This has helped people to look at their actions as going beyond awareness, tolerance and acceptance to coexistence, and opportunities to create collaboration and connection where people are just treated as people and not labels.
They truly live out their inclusive message ‘Love has no labels’
Being able to witness the work Helen and her team have done in pushing diversity and inclusion within their own school has been wonderful, where she has helped drive other WACCL schools towards reflecting on their own inclusive practices."
Mrs Colleen Everett, Headteacher, Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School, Warrington
Rainbow Flag Award
St. Peter's has achieved The Rainbow Flag Award. We have undertaken a variety of tasks to ensure LGBT inclusion in our school. The award focuses on LGBT+, (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, plus other related identities), inclusion and visibility, as well as developing strategies to combat LGBTphobic bullying.
Please click on the image below to find out more about The Rainbow Flag Award.

One of our children in Foundation Stage shared this wonderful message of inclusion with Mrs Lea. She chose to write this at the writing table during explore time.
LGBT+ History Month
LGBT+ History Month is held every February to raise awareness of, and combat prejudice against, LGBT people and history. We had an assembly in school where we thought about inclusion and acceptance. We talked about why we have the Rainbow Flag Award in school and how we can respect one another. We also listened to the story 'King and King' and talked about the famous artist Keith Haring.
Year 6 LGBT+
Year 6 have been learning about LGBT+ inclusion and equality and took part in various activities around this topic. One of our younger pupils came and spoke to the children about her uncle, who is in a same-sex relationship and has adopted a child. They watched various videos, including In a Heartbeat and discussed their thoughts and feelings related to these.
Year 6 were very receptive and showed excellent knowledge on how to combat LGBT+ and HBT bullying. Please view the gallery below to see some of the work pupils produced.
In A Heartbeat
Please click on the image below to view the In a Heartbeat video.