At St. Peter’s, the intention of our History curriculum is a fully inclusive approach to develop a knowledge of key historical concepts and facts, through the study of significant historical periods, which have had a lasting impact on our lives on a global, national and local level. We intend for our pupils to build up a broad and balanced understanding of the world that develops their skills to become inquisitive historians. We want our children to know about the history of their local area as well as the wider world and the different people who lived in it. We want our children to know about where places are, when events took place and why they happened. This includes a knowledge of Britain’s past and our place in the world, all of which helps us to understand the challenges and consequences in our own time.
In EYFS, children will develop historical enquiry and interpretation through images of familiar situations and characters in the past using photographs and stories. They will understand that their own environment has changed over time.
In KS1, children develop an awareness of the past, using common words and phrases relating to the passing of time. They will know where the people and events they study fit within a chronological framework and identify similarities and differences between ways of life in different periods. They will be able to compare and contrast the lives of people from the past with their own.
In KS2, children develop a chronologically secure knowledge and understanding of British, local and world history. They will notice connections, contrasts and trends over time and will address historically valid questions about change, cause, similarity and difference.

History Policy
Our History Documents
The documents that we have available are:
- Curriculum Content
- This document shows the sequence of learning throughout each History unit of work. - Knowledge Organisers
- This document is for our children, it contains prior knowledge from previous learning, key vocabulary for each History topic as well as the key knowledge that will be taught throughout the unit of work. - Progression of Knowledge and Skills
- This document shows how learning progresses in History from Foundation Stage right through to Year 6. - Knowledge Keys
- This document is used half way through each History unit and is there to help the children know more and remember more. - End of Unit Assessments
- This document is used with the children at the end of each unit of work and is there to help the children know more and remember more as well as forming part of our teacher assessment.
History Book Links