PAPYRUS is the national charity dedicated to the prevention of young suicide. PAPYRUS was founded in 1997 by a mother, Jean Kerr, from Lancashire following the loss of her son to suicide. PAPYRUS was initially set up as the Parents’ Association for the Prevention of Young Suicide, hence the name PAPYRUS.
Since 1997, PAPYRUS has continued to listen to and learn from the experiences of those personally touched by young suicide. Today, PAPYRUS works in many ways to prevent young suicide.
Our vision is for a society which speaks openly about suicide and has the resources to help young people who may have suicidal thoughts. We exist to reduce the number of young people who take their own lives by shattering the stigma around suicide and equipping young people and their communities with the skills to recognise and respond to suicidal behaviour.
Beliefs that guide our thinking:
PREVENTION: Many young suicides are preventable
PASSION: Those who are touched personally by a young suicide have a unique contribution to make to our work
HOPE: No young person should have to suffer alone with thoughts or feelings of hopelessness and nobody should have to go through the heartbreak of losing a young person to suicide
LEARNING: There are always lessons to be learned from listening to young people at risk of suicide, those who give them support and those who have lost a young person to suicide.
Please click on the image below for further information, resources and helplines.