Mission Statement

St. Peter’s is a loving, caring Catholic Community working together in serving God, where each child is given the opportunity to achieve their full potential.
“Let your light shine”
Aims of the Mission Statement
To create a Christian ethos of love, allowing each member of our school community to grow in their personal relationship with God and with each other.
To achieve this we:
- Maintain a secure, caring and inclusive community in which the Gospel Spirit of love, care and mutual respect permeates every aspect of school life.
- Through the teaching of Religious Education lessons and Collective Worship, contribute to the Spiritual development of pupils and teach the children about the belief, values and way of life of Catholic Christianity and other faiths.
- Help children distinguish right from wrong and develop a personal sense of morality.
- Are supported by the Parish in preparing children for Eucharist and Reconciliation, and in the development of Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural education of all children.
To establish a safe school community that encourages the development of Christian values, growth and a love of life-long learning.
To achieve this we:
- Deliver a curriculum which is rich, broad and balanced and provide an inclusive education based on high expectations for all.
- Match teaching to the needs of the learners to ensure their learning is an enjoyable and challenging experience.
- Equip the children with the knowledge, skills and understanding relating to fundamental British values, allowing each child to make a positive contribution to society in the 21st century.
- We will develop a strong partnership with parents by giving them useful information enabling them to support their children with their learning.
To nurture strong relationships built on respect and consideration between school, parents, Parish and the wider community encouraging faith to be a significant part in every person’s life.
To achieve this we:
- Continually work together in partnership, including home, school and Parish.
- Use the values of the Gospel as a guide to living life to the full.
- Provide opportunities for pupils to make links with the local and wider community, e.g. distribution of harvest gifts, fundraising for Nugent Care, CAFOD, St. Rocco’s Hospice, thus working for the ‘common good’.