At St. Peter's the mental health and wellbeing of our pupils, families and staff is of great importance to us. We offer a wide range of activities that promote self-care and opportunities to develop skills to manage their own wellbeing independently. These include:
- dedicated health and wellbeing weeks in school
- opportunities to perform in class assemblies, key stage shows and talent shows
- in Year 6 every child is given a role as a young leader to develop their independence
- an active school council who are the pupil's voice and have recently developed a 'Chill Out Zone' for playtime and lunchtime
- sporting events
- learning clubs
- a wide range of after school clubs
- weekly awards for showing the gospel values in school.
If you have any specific concerns, please contact your class teacher or the school office.
Top tips for Positive Wellbeing
Warrington Wolves Foundation - Healthy Eating Video
The children in Year 6 have thought of some top tips to help us to have positive wellbeing. We hope they help you!
• Have resilience
• Resolve friendships
• Have a varied and balanced diet
• Have and enjoy different hobbies/ exercise/ sport
• Don’t compare yourself to others, just do your best
• Be Honest
• Create a good environment
• Have respect for yourself and others
• Know what to do if you are upset or worried
• Try not to overthink things
• Have fun!
• Don’t gossip/ escalate or get involved
• If you don’t have anything good or positive to say, don’t say it
Please click on the image below to watch the Warrington Wolves Foundation's video about healthy eating.

Children's Mental Health Week 2024
Click on the images below for more information and useful resources for Children's Mental Health Week.
Young Minds
Young Minds mission is to stop young people's mental health reaching crisis point, to make sure all young people can get the mental health support they need, when they need it, no matter what. They want to see a world where every young person who is struggling feels able to reach out, and has people and services around them who can really help.
Please see the website linked below to find help and advice.
Mind Works - Drop-In Clinic