Mrs Davies

I’m Mrs Davies and I have many years of teaching experience, and have been teaching at St Peter’s since 2004; I’m also the Deputy Head Teacher. I absolutely love teaching in Year 6, it is most definitely the best year group as far as I’m concerned! I enjoy teaching all subjects, but my favourite two have to be English and P.E. I always try my very best each year to ensure all children get an opportunity to represent St. Peter’s in a sporting event from gymnastics to rugby, to cross country or even orienteering. There is always something exciting happening in Year 6 whether it’s playing with special friends, paddling a canoe down the Menai Straits (when we visit The Conway Centre in March) or even working our socks off to be the best that we can be when we take our end of KS2 assessments! In my spare time I love spending time with my family, taking my youngest daughter to lots of Cross-country races, walking and generally having lots of good times and living life to the full!
Miss Buckley

I am Miss Buckley and I have been at St. Peter's for over 15 years and have worked with Mrs Davies for the majority of those years in Year 6. I love it! My favourite subject to teach is Art and Design because it lets me show my creative side and I love to see what the children achieve, especially as it is not classed as an 'academic' subject and lets them show their self-expression. Seeing the children develop into mature, young adults in Year 6 makes me realise how far they have come in their journey at St. Peter's and makes me feel proud to have supported them in this. In my spare time I enjoy spending time with my family and going for walks. I have 3 cats who sometimes bring me 'presents', which most of the time I don't appreciate it!

Overview of Year 6
Welcome to Year Six; this year is an exciting time for our children as they are reaching the end of their wonderful journey at St. Peter’s Catholic Primary. They will have created many memories throughout their time with us and during this year they are being prepared to leave us and make smooth transitions into secondary school. Everybody has many opportunities to shine, whether through sports, the arts or in academia. From the very beginning, Year 6 pupils are expected to take on more responsibility around the school and every child will be given a role of responsibility such as: ICT Monitor, CAPA Crew Leader or perhaps by becoming a member of The Sports Crew.
In addition to their responsibilities, Year 6 is also an important year which reflects on their knowledge and skills gained throughout their time in primary school, as in May they sit their end of Key Stage assessments.
Just before we gear up for our assessments though, we have the chance to participate in outdoor, adventurous activities, as well as learn important lessons about team work and perseverance, during our residential trip to The Conway Centre in Anglesey during April. The children challenge themselves to work as a team from building rafts, scaling walls to canoeing down the Menai Straits.
All About Year 6
Photo of Classroom
![IMG_0027[1] IMG_0027[1]](/warrington/primary/stpeters/arenas/websitecontent/web/img_0027[1].jpg?width=1920&height=1080&scale=LIMIT_MAXSIZE)
P.E. Information
P.E. lessons are on a Thursday and Friday. Please ensure your child arrives at school in their P.E. kit on these days.
P.E. kits consist of a black t-shirt with logo, maroon shorts, St. Peter’s hoodie or school jumper, extra socks. On cold days, children may wear black tracksuit bottoms/leggings.
By the end of Year 6, pupil’s writing and reading is expected to be sufficiently fluent and effortless for them to manage the expected demands of the curriculum in Year 7. Our aim is to prepare our pupils for secondary education by ensuring they can consciously control sentence structure in their writing and understand why sentences are constructed as they are. It is important that they understand nuances in vocabulary choice and age-appropriate academic vocabulary through practice and a discussion of language through our Reading, Writing and Spelling programmes. We will, whenever possible, encourage pupil confidence, enjoyment and a mastery of language through public speaking, performance and debating opportunities.
Year 6 Statutory Spellings
Recommended Reading Books for Year 6:
Please click on the image below to see a list of 50 books recommended for Year 6. There is also a PDF of recommended books across different age ranges.

A.R.E. Documents
The principle focus of mathematics in Year 6 is to ensure that pupils extend their understanding of the number system and place value to include larger integers. By the end of Year 6, pupils are expected to be fluent in written methods for all four operations, including long multiplication and division and in working with fractions, decimals and percentages. Furthermore, pupils should be able to solve a wider range of problems, of increasing complexity using efficient written and mental calculations.
A.R.E. Documents
Given out on a Friday to be returned on Monday.
Maths (linked to learning that has taken place that week) CGP Booklet
English: English based activities. (Reading Theory, Grammar, Creative Writing, etc.)
Spellings: Given out on a Monday to be learnt for assessment on Friday of same week.
Long Term Plan
For further information and details regarding our curriculum, please look under the Curriculum tab and select the subject you wish to view.