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Home Learning

During the mandated closure of St. Peter's, we would still like our children to be provided with opportunities to learn. Below you will find work that can be completed at home that Mrs Davies has prepared. All learning links to what the Year 6 children have been learning in class. Paper will be sent home for children to complete their work on, or please feel free to print the sheets off at home if you have access to a printer. If you complete work on paper please be aware you may need to write out sentences/calculations, etc that you see on the screen to be able to accurately complete the task.

Week 12:

As you are back in school on Monday 13th July, you only have Home Learning for one week. I would like you to look at the transition booklet with your parents before our next Zoom meeting.

All work can be completed in the books/ on the paper sent home. Please do not feel the need to print anything out. If you do wish to print resources, please feel free.

Transition Booklet - Please look through the transition booklet together with your parents. It will also be used as a focus for our Zoom meeting this week.

Writing - This week's writing will focus on the video 'Road's End'. Please complete 1 activity daily. Please see resources below.

Maths - 1 activity to be completed daily. Please see resources.

Arithmetic Test - 1 per week (Answers on PDF)

Maths Frame or TT Rockstars - When you can, 30 minutes each session

Reading Plus - 6 comprehensions and 2 vocabulary activities to be completed weekly.

Spelling - Please complete 3 tests/ activities per week on Spelling Frame.

SPaG - Please complete 2 SPaGs this week.

Come and See - Please complete Activity 10 this week. See resources below.

Science - Please complete the daily Science lesson on the BBC Bitesize website linked below. There is one Science lesson a week released and these seem to be released on a Wednesday.

Geography - Complete the past and present maps activity. Please see the resources below.

Art - Draw a portrait of King Henry VIII. Please see the resources below.

French - Please read the PowerPoints in resources Week 12 and complete the activities.

Computing - Please see the 'General Learning' tab under 'Home Learning'. 

Music - Please see the 'General Learning' tab under 'Home Learning'. 

P.E. - Please see the 'General Learning' tab under 'Home Learning'. 

 Please find any resources needed for this week below. If there are images, please click on them to be taken to the relevant webpages.

Please take the time to mark any work where answers have been provided with your child, thank you.

Children all have individual passwords to SeeSaw, Reading Plus and TT Rockstars. You should now also have passwords to Charanga and Real P.E. with Jasmine. Any work that you think is suitable to be uploaded to See Saw, please feel free to do so. You can either take a picture, or upload a document.

Week 12 Resources:

From the results of the Google Survey, some parents asked for a suggested timetable to help them schedule their week. Please see the suggested timetable below.

This is only a guide, please feel free to do the subjects in any order that suits you. The priority subjects for each week are Writing, White Rose Maths and Reading.

All of the images on this page are links to websites. Please click on them to be taken to the relevant website.

Transition Booklet:

Please look through the transition booklet together with your parents. It will also be used as a focus for our Zoom meeting this week.


Road's End


This weeks Maths is a little different. It is still White Rose, but with individual links. Please click on the image for each day to be taken to that day's Maths video.


White Rose(10)


White Rose(7)


White Rose(11)


White Rose(12)




spelling frame

Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation:

Come and See:


Please complete the daily Science lesson on the BBC Bitesize website linked below. There is one Science lesson a week released and these seem to be released on a Wednesday.

BBC Bitesize Daily Lessons(10)


This week our Geography is based on maps. I would like you to compare on a map the past and present ordonnance of a place of your choosing. Please see the PDF for more information.



This week we are going to look at Henry VIII. I would like you to draw a portrait of King Henry VIII. Please see the PDF for further information.


Please view the PowerPoint as a slideshow, as Madame Pierre has included sound buttons for you to listen to, and then complete the activities.


Please see the 'General Learning' tab under 'Home Learning' for the link to Barefoot Computing and Hour of Code.


Please see the 'General Learning' tab under 'Home Learning' for the link to Charanga Music.


Please see the 'General Learning' tab under 'Home Learning' for the link to Jasmine P.E.

General Resources:

Twinkl Home Learning Hub:

Welcome to the Twinkl Home Learning Hub. Parent or teacher, at home or still in school, our Home Learning Hub has you covered during school closures. Each day you'll find a new set of daily activities to get involved with. Qualified Twinkl teachers will provide book readings, live lessons, positive news updates and more. We'll be bringing you activities from our partners too, to help fill your days and offer some much-needed variety. Activities will be listed the day before - giving you enough time to get prepped and set up for the next day's learning.


Please click on the activities in the pack to be taken to the relevant resources.

Classroom Secrets:

Classroom Secrets Kids(4)
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